2017 Race Season Recap
The season came and went in a blink of an eye. We traveled everywhere and the season just seemed like a blur as it also included ice racing on frozen lakes.
Here is a quick recap of the season:
- BSD 83; The rookie - Anjelli takes the IT-J Championship in her integra
- BSD 20; King of the Hill Champion - Defending title
- BSD 88; Kevin in the TSX takes the title for ST4 Champion
- BSD 65; Oz in the TSX takes PTD second place
- BSD 20; Kelsey and Rick in the Integra takes 3rd PTD
- BSD 64; Andrew and Neil in the Integra takes PTE second place
- BSD 38; Rick ST3 second place
- BSD 77; Stu in the Civic takes 4th PTC due to mechanical issues
The last race of the season team BSD took the podium.
- GT2 Champion
- GT3 Champion
- GT4 Champion
- GT2 Second Place
- BSD 88 NSX First in Class
NSX Vintage Race Weekend
BSD Racing: Nascc Rd. 3 2017 - Corner 1
BSD Racing: Civic SiR vs RX7 Battle
The one move rule